Smart Home Automation: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide

Smart Home Automation: The Ultimate Beginner's Guide

Smart Home Automation can seem super complicated for beginner’s, but it should be easy – – look at the devices you have, and define what your smart home should do, learn about protocols and how devices talk to each other using Zigbee, Bluetooth, Z-Wave or other smart home communication an learn about different options from big brands like Samsung SmartThings or Hubitat, as well as options from open source communities like Home Assistant and openHAB.

******** Easy kit to get started with!
Hub –
Bulb –
Sensor –

Visit yoyoTech

Zigbee and Zwave Dongle for Home Assistant –

Third Reality Zigbee Button –
SONOFF Zigbee Temperature Humidity Sensor –
Aquara Zigbee LED light strips –
Third Reality Zigbee Vibration Sensor –
Hive Zigbee Motion Sensor –
Hive Zigbee Contact Sensor –
Hive Zigbee LED Bulb –
SONOFF Zigbee plug –
Zigbee Power Bar –

00:00 Introduction
00:56 What is smart home automation?
01:29 What is already in your smart home?
02:32 What are all the protocols?
03:18 How can I get started with home automation?
04:24 What should you buy if you have nothing?
05:27 What are automations?
06:20 What are conditions?
07:07 What else can I do?
07:44 How do I take my smart home to the next level?
08:16 What about works with solutions?
08:54 What about open source solutions like home assistant?
09:37 What do I think is the best solution and why?


  1. Hi I have Apple devices, Apple TV, iPhone Mac and iPad so my question is I started out small with lights Phillips Hughes and then for Christmas I got a ring doorbell, but I found out real quickly that I can’t put it in HomeKit for the doorbell and I don’t want to use a whole bunch of different apps. I want to control it all through HomeKit can you help me and in the future I want to add light switches or do I just keep replacing the lightbulbs one by one but that’s getting expensive I have to have special switches so that my service dog can turn them on if I need to. That’s why I’m trying to make a smart home because of my disability and I really liked your video you explain things very well. I just need some help.

  2. Great video. Starting small is the key takeaway IMO. You can’t always automate everything with the time and money you have, so do it in increments. And I 100% agree that picking Zigbee as the default protocol. It’s easy to configure in ZHA and the devices are cheap. And the community is great too with content such as this.

  3. I am beginner in the smart home. I have Amazon speakers and I just finished replacing all my basic light switches with Lutron Caseta smart switches. I am beginning to set up voice groups and look into automation with them.
    One of the problems in my kitchen I would like to solve is my range hood. Is there a way to make a dumb range hood smart? Automatically turn on the fan when it detects smoke and turn off the range hood lights when it detects no movement. I was thinking of replacing the incandescent bulb with a smart LED bulb and possibly putting a sensor into the kitchen. That way I can turn the range hood light off remotely and/or have the light automatically turn off when the sensor does not detect movement. Do you think this is doable?

    Thanks for your help.

  4. Loved the video…Thanks for breaking down this complicated subject into smaller chapters. I have MANY smart devices that I pretty much ignore. I really want to know more about "One Ring to rule them all". Also, sometimes they work…sometimes they don’t. I keep having to reconnect them to the wifi which is a HUGE pain. What’s up with that? Is my router not robust enough? Also, what’s the security on all these items? I don’t need someone in Iran turning on my oven…or do I? LOL! I’m confused about how to create ONE place to control nodes. I’ve been looking at a Brillant system because…and I’m not proud…I like the design.

  5. Great video and excellent advice for new beginners! I am a Hubitat guy but I generally use Amazon Alexa as my front end as the Hubitat GUI is kinda clunky.. I haven’t used Home Assistant but the GUI looks amazing.

    There are also different levels of automation that different people are comfortable with..for example I don’t like automations where my home seemingly "makes" decisions on its own like turn on lights at a particular time or unlock my front door when I get within a hundred yards from my home. I think those can be exploited or be used against me by bad actors so I avoid them. I could explain but I think that you can figure out what I mean.

    Also it is absolutely crucial that beginners begin with security in mind, a lot of IOT devices can be easily hacked so do research in this area and ensure that you buy recently released devices which will likely be using the more secure versions of the general communication protocols like zigbee and zwave, etc. The last thing you want is a "smart" yet dumb home because you have chosen smart devices and automations which introduce vulnerabilities that can be easily exploited by bad guys..

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