Motion Detection Lights – Easily Install – Cheap DIY Security For Your House – HZ 4132 BK

Motion Detection Lights – Easily Install – Cheap DIY Security For Your House – HZ 4132 BK

If you have a house, you have some exterior lighting AND you have something to protect. To add cheap but highly effective DYI security to your home, change your house lights to motion detection lights. We show you how to easily remove your old light fixture and replace it with a new Heath Zenith motion detection light HZ 4132 BK in just minutes. Quickly change you old outdoor lights for lights that turn on automatically with motion.

Health Zenith motion light are a cheap way to increase your home security and saving electricity. DIY security system for home.

We also explain the basic wiring and how to change any light fixture, inside or outside your home.

We bought this Heath Zenith light fixture on Amazon for just $30 including the motion detection.


  1. Thanks for the use of the LED bulb that I presume is also your regular use

    HZ states use of tungsten/incandescent bulbs. I posted a query about LED usage on the UTube installation vid for the model , but no response from their tech dept. yet, as of eight months ago. LoL

  2. Can I use the "test" mode to operate lights off and on from interior wall switch and leave motion sensing off?

  3. Our lights are way too sensitive on street traffic is there anyway to lower the sensitivity maybe by placing tape over the sensor

  4. You are incorrect in the most important instruction. Some lights are wires to the light before the switch so it’s VERY important to kill the power at the breaker unless you are 100% positive that your light is wired to the switch first. However, you should always get in the habit of shutting off the power at the breaker no matter what. 120 volt AC power can kill.

  5. Love the enthusiasm! I have my lights set to come on dusk to dawn but I’m noticing they’re flickering. I’ve adjusted the sensor, changed the bulbs but still they flicker. They don’t flicker all the time but usually once they come on the flickering starts then slows down.

  6. When the lamp has been installed and placed in test, the lights rapidly flash on and off once motion is detected. Any idea what might cause this, The lights never remain on.

  7. I watched your video after installing the same brand/ different model light. I thought I did something wrong, but found out it was the bulb. A sylvania LED TruWave technology wouldn’t work. An older style bulb worked. By the way, we had the same brass lamps. Good video instructions, thanks.

  8. I really hate how Amazon doesn’t match prices after the purchase rather then returning and buying again to get the items for cheaper

  9. How do I make t stay on. It was blinking then stayed on for a few min then wouldn’t detect me when I walked outside to turn it on

  10. So my landlord installed this but I rather have them on all day because of my light bulb surveillance camera. How do I do that. In the night it works fine but once it’s 8am it sense it’s day light because of the motion detector and has no power lighting the bulb.

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