Dangerous Things xSIID Green Lighting Up
Dangerous Things xSIID Green NFC implant lighting up under skin
Dangerous Things xSIID Green Lighting Up
Dangerous Things xSIID Green NFC implant lighting up under skin
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Hi do you have telegram account ?
I know it’s been a while, but I am likely getting this one. How well (in real life) does it look with the green? Any issues or advice? Thanks!
I’ve been curious about this. I have a NExT and a High frequency xLED detector in my left hand, and a vivokey Spark 2 in my right hand. I’ve been curious about this one for my right hand, but I am unsure of what it actually does. I read that its a health management implant, but dies that mean it can read your temperature and pulse? or what?
Thats awesome. I am going to get the green one (Green is my favorite color too) and a NeXT for my other hand. Thanks for replying! PS. Did it hurt quite a bit? Any advice on the install? My stepfather is a doctor and he is going to do it for me
I’ve been wanting to get this model but I’ve heard that some of the LEDs have been running into malfunctions or straight up going out, have you had any issues with yours?
Can I use this for my Smart Home applications and purchases, from reviewing the data sheet I don’t think I can 🫤
I don’t know if I’m more disgusted or mostly terrified.